Kuadra Counseling and Consulting


This Book is about two things: Integration and Creativity

As with many indigenous people around the world that were colonized and assimilated into western religions and beliefs, we have learned to keep an open mind to the endless possibilities in other people’s ideas.
No Indigenous person will hear of the love of Christ and not accept it because the concepts of Christianity was already imbedded in the hearts of Indigenous people. They would not discount the teachings of Prophet Mohammed because it brings about the foundations of discipline and chastity.

Indigen will also not discount the Buddha teachings because it brings forth wisdom and compassion. We don’t claim one is bad and another is good. We open our minds to dig deeper into other peoples’ points of view because we know that the deeper we dig, the more likely we will contact spiritual and heavenly representations.
Indigenous peoples never refuted the concept of God or Christ or Holy Spirit or the Buddha because, we know how to cultivate relationships with the true essence of these Spirits.
God means many things to many people. To some, it is just a word and to others, there is a deeper relationship and still, yet others will have direct experiences and unite with the source of all creation.
Indigen will not discount science because everything logical and plausible is also spiritual and spirituality is logic. In the mind of an Indigen, everything is connected, everything is important, and nothing operates by itself – A basic tenet of Buddhism.

The life of Indigen is rich because daily life is pregnant with meaning no matter how mundane or eventful because all experiences including the traumatic ones are opportunities to deepen in spiritual growth.
This attitude allows Indigen to integrate ideas and widen the field of possibilities for creativity, innovation and growth.

A new perspective coming soon!

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Take Courage

I once read a quote by Maya Angelou many years ago when I had begun my conscious journey that said

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Picture of Khadijat Quadri

Khadijat Quadri


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