Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

Transmuting Oppression to Transfiguration

Confronting the Shadows

Very few people are willing to confront their Shadow archetypes in life. They do not want to stare down their Shadows because the deeper they look, the deeper the rabbit-hole seems to go. So, they simply live in denial or reaction to these unconscious fear patterns, not realizing that their outer lives are a direct reflection of this repression.

Those who fear this confrontation are apt to avoid those who do. The ones who repress and pretend cannot bare to be compelled to look within. Psychotherapy is generally considered the work of the lame and weak hearted by those who would rather not confront their fears.

To really look deeply into your fears is to undergo a major transmutation, one which eventually becomes cosmic and even the path of evolution into the Lightbody. Transmutations are not a comfortable business for people at the Shadow level of consciousness because to go through such an alchemical process you have to let go of all definitions of who and what you are. What we humans don’t realize is that the grail we seek is hiding beneath our fear. The very thing that terrifies you the most is your route to a higher evolution. This is why all mainstream religions are founded upon the duality of good and evil. In keeping evil separate from good, we are actually denying the very part of our nature that will allow us to directly experience the Divine. Evil is nothing but our fear manifested in the world.

When we deny of our Shadows, we are not only dishonoring of ourselves, but we are also dishonoring life itself. If you cannot honor yourself, then you certainly cannot honor others. It means that you listen to someone through your own agenda, so you only hear what you want to hear. You carefully edit out all the shadows that you don’t want to look at in yourself. This creates a biofeedback loop that conceals more and more repressed memories. We are literally reinforcing our self-limiting patterns. The ancients referred to this as the accumulation of karma. This has led to the belief that one can offset this negative karma by doing good deeds to accumulate positive karma. However, such practices never lead to true freedom because your unconscious Shadows remain unaccepted and repressed. The very urge of life is to transmute itself so therefore, by denying your shadows, you deny your own evolution.

The Sacrifice to be THYSELF

I had another wonderful moment with my son. He appeared to me in a different form. He looked more like a golden ball of light emanating silver colors and quite difficult to describe in words. I asked him why his life was cut short? Was this the grand plan of GOD or the work of evil entities?

He tells me he didn’t want to be on earth anymore and he really wasn’t meant to have left so soon but he realized he couldn’t be himself. He is with God and full of joy. He is relieved to be himself again. He said… “mom don’t be so quick to leave like me. You still have 20 more years of giving. You are so much stronger than me and please stay so I can work through you”. He also told me that we could never truly feel God, not while in a body and even the Christ and all the great teachers had difficulty during their time on earth. He was ecstatic, his effervescent light glimmers more brightly as he tells me— “mom! You are right, you are right about everything!!! With you being my only link to earth, I can still gift joy to you and the world”.

In that moment, it all became clear to me. When he had told me that he left because he could not be himself on earth. He said… “I would have to be 70 years old by the time he gets a glimpse of myself and so I took the sacrifice to leave”. I wondered what that had to do with his life path. How his date of birth was 9/10/99, the apartment he lived in was 9, his license plate numbers added up to 9, literally all the cars he drove. his astrology was a perfect cross and Chiron in 29 spelling the ultimate sacrifice and a 12th house stellium of self-undoing. His I-Ching was literally to transmute oppression to transfiguration!

He is now a full spectrum light being!! He completed his ultimate SIDDHI, to further his evolution by making the ultimate sacrifice to be himself. Something very few could dare to do. He is now free to be the golden light he really was and had always been!!! He gave up life on earth to be himself.

Three days, after my son’s death, Angels told me in a dream that my son will be reborn, for he took the steps and faced his shadows and achieved his transfiguration.

Transmuting Oppression to Transfiguration

The force of transmutation strips you emotionally and mentally to such an extent that it eventually reaches down into the physical matter of your body. The power of the myth then takes over and the very cells of your body begin to transmute into the pure light frequencies from which they are made. The elements that make up your body were made in stars, and you turn back into a star in your own mini supernova. This is the final state described by the alchemists — the sacred marriage in which all your constituent elements dissolve back into one another, and out of your base matter symbolic gold is formed.

This word transfiguration is almost entirely associated with Christ’s ascension and resurrection. It refers to his shining countenance when he reappears after his crucifixion. The life of Jesus Christ is in fact the perfect mythic enactment of all the stages of alchemical transmutation ending in this state of transfiguration. If we can escape the endless dogma and opinion that surrounds the figure of Jesus and view his life at this symbolic level, we can see the great secret of all human life. Christ’s life symbolically represents the life of every human when they hold back nothing and embrace everything.

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Khadijat Quadri


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