Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The World will never be the same again.

Rest in Peace and in the Light of GODRilwan Quadri 9/10/1999 – 08/13/2023

On Sunday 8/13/23 my beloved son Ron’s apartment had been broken into and they stole his money and his beloved dog. His neighbors found footage that it was his ex-girlfriend and her dad. Ron then went to get his dog back and they chased him and shot him several times in the back. 

Witnesses saw them put his body in his trunk and drove his car and dumped it on the side of the road. His autopsy is concluded as a homicide He was missing for two days. By the time they found him in the car his body was unrecognizable. The police support his assailants claiming that he was involved in domestic violence and social media have taken to maligning my son. Ron never laid a hand on this girl and his friends attest to this. I forgive his killers and leave vengeance for GOD. 

My Son Ron Buddha Quadri is a child of the light. He had a heart of gold. Not many people can actually reach into themselves and ask what their heart is. My son had a heart of gold, he would do anything for his family, friends and anyone he could help. He is good. But Ron had a failing, he was a black man. Nobody can understand what it like to be a black man in America. From the moment he turned 18, Ron was a person of interest up until the day he was murdered. He couldn’t even go to the grocery stores without being stopped frisked and searched. He lived in Houston and whenever he was coming to San Antonio, he would get stopped by the police at least twice. We all knew that he was tagged in their system for whatever reason.

 He got arrested soon after his 19th birthday for possessing a blunt, a misdemeanor that earned him two days in jail and 2 years of probation. He was abused by the system and mocked by his enemies. They wanted to break him, but Ron always kept his head up high. He always told me how grateful he was to be alive. 

The Christians always say that Jesus was the only son of God, that he died for the sins of the world that we all may be redeemed but I challenge all Christians of this world to contemplate this notion deeply. For what they don’t realize is that there are many sons of God who lived for love but falsely accused, mocked and ridiculed and sacrificed, killed and murdered. My son did not deserve to die, he did not deserve to be treated like a leper in his own community. 

Evil has not won. We stand tall and resolved to fight the good fight for our father in heaven. It is by no means over. With every breath of my being, I will fight for the innocent sons of God, we will prevail against evil and tyranny. 

Ron paid the ultimate price with his life, and he rests with the angels in heaven. Rest in joy and goodness Ron, you will never have to face an evil world ever again, keep heaven warm for us, we will soon join you, we all who are sons of the light will soon join you. I see you all the time and hear your thoughts as you hear mine. You are free, you are free, you are free.

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Khadijat Quadri


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