Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Star of Bethlehem

star of bethlehem

The light of truth will once again shine on earth as it once did above a stable in Bethlehem. But at that time, only a few accepted the light and those who listened very soon distorted and misrepresented it, as men on earth are apt to do.

What they forgot, they tried to replace with ideas of their own, thereby creating only a confusion that nowadays is meant to be passed as invaluable truth.

Out of alarm that everything will collapse if even the smallest pillar proves to be unsound, every ray of light that can bring recognition is resisted, defiled, and if there is no other way, it is ridiculed with a malice and cunning. Their reactions are simply born out of fear and more fearful are those who dare not question lies.

Clear Thinking Versus Narrow Mindedness

Today, clear thinking is rarely to be found on earth. In spite of this, a light of true recognition must at last come over all humanity.

The time has arrived when everything unhealthy, invented by the human brain will be swept out of creation. The human brain will be unable to suppress the enlightenment that the truth wears a different aspect from the unsteady images. Images which boasts of conceit and commercialism, morbid imagination and hypocrisy and a craving for earthly power and earthy admiration all of which were created out of narrow mindedness.

Those who have lead millions of people astray and kept them enslaved in wrong mindedness will face their reckoning. Lies cannot hold in a space of truth. May they be courageous enough to open their eyes to the light even though it goes against their vile beliefs. May they listen attentively and examine inwardly to see whether the message comes nearer to their understanding than what they had learned in the past. May they open their ears and intuitive senses to feel the breath of fresh air that penetrates to them as spiritual activity.

Truth is Consistent. The Impossible Demands Faith.
Only the impossible demands blind faith. For whatever is possible immediately stimulates independent thinking. Wherever there is truth which is always characterized by naturalness and consistency, thinking and deep intuitive sensing automatically set in. It is only through deep intuitive sensing can anything become conviction which alone brings value to the human spirit.

That Holy Night in Bethlehem

So now, along with everything else, the cycle which began on a holy night in Bethlehem is also closing. And the closing of this cycle must cast out all inaccuracies in its transmissions and instead bring truth to victory. The darkness created by humanity is dispelled by the penetrating light. All lies must fall away, so truth can emerge in purity and in accordance with divine laws.

It is impossible for a human body to be born without physical procreation. It is also impossible for a physical body to be raised into the ethereal realm after an earthy death.

Jesus was procreated physically, otherwise an earthly birth could not have been possible. At that time, only a few recognized the star as the fulfillment of the prophesies. Among them was Mary and Joseph. Three kings found their way to the stable and presented earthly gifts but then they went away leaving Jesus without protection. A child whose earthly path they should have smoothed using their wealth and power so that no harm would befall him as he fulfills his mission. Although they received enlightenment, enabling them to find the child, they did not fully recognize the sublime call.

Today, the Christ lives amongst us. He/she would display nothing extraordinary. He/She knows nothing of their calling except to seek the truth at every turn until he/she realizes the message of truth abides within like a radio transmission. He/she would divest himself from all the fantasies invented by human brains.

Today, at the return of the star all errors shall henceforth be redeemed through grace. And so it is.

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Khadijat Quadri


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