Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Spiritual Law of Success

What we concentrate on, we will become

This statement speaks to the universal law of success. If we want to succeed at anything, we must concentrate on it. It can be spiritual , material, artistic, getting a great job, to learning a new dance etc. There is a slight twist to this wisdom. Here a sense of discrimination has to come in. If you want to become a bus driver, you concentrate on becoming one, if you want to become the CEO of a fortune 500 company, you can if you concentrate hard enough and are willing to do whatever it takes and you will become one. However, a sense of discrimination must come in. We have to ask ourselves if we really want to concentrate on that particular thing. We must ask ourselves if it is really worthwhile to BECOME IT. Is it beneficial for the soul to become this thing? Is it what my soul wants? There are many successful people in the world who are not happy even though they have achieved fame and money. We have to ask ourselves the question, if we achieve this thing, will it make me happy, will my mind be at peace? Am I going to be satisfied in life? Most people in the world today are very involved in the world— which is fine– it’s quite natural to do so and there is nothing wrong with it. For many, the question of spiritual life is kind of on the fringe they are not interested in it at all or if they’re a little interested it’s kind of there. They will engage spirituality sometimes for entertainment, to feel better about themselves and their lives or acquire something and other times, it is not that relevant. Engaging half and half with materialism and spirituality will not work. In fact there will be not success because the energy is divided. We can ask ourselves at any time this question— If I focus on this thing, will I be happy becoming this thing?

What about your spiritual life? Some people are intrigued about karma, past lives or incarnation. They seem interested but in reality, they are not making any attempt or motivated to do something about their spiritual life. What about you? How important is your spiritual life? There are two things that can happen to a person. Either their whole life revolves around their spiritual life or it revolves around their material life and a little on the fringes, a little interested in spiritual life. Is your spiritual life the only thing that really matters? This is important. The Christ said that where your treasure is, your heart is also. We will have our responsibilities, as parents, family members and taking care of responsibilities and we do not neglect that. But we must ask ourselves everyday, what happens to us when we die? If you don’t know the answer to this question, you have missed out already. When we leave this body, we have to go somewhere and wherever we go and whatever we do after we die is absolutely determined by what we have focused on throughout the human life. Concentrating on spirituality is concentrating on your future. The only future that matters. The human life is a short journey, it is short compared to the trillions of years our soul has been in existent and will continue to exist after. Being in a human life how ever long is like a sneeze to the soul. While you have a chance, do something about your spiritual life.

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Khadijat Quadri


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