Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Purposeless Life

Deep within the core of all humans is a nudging sensation to find our true purpose. For in following our true purpose, we unlock the manifesting power of everyone’s specific Gifts. However, there are forces in the world that directly challenge humanity’s ability to find their purpose, much less follow it. Many in the west and around the world are adapted to focus on their basic material needs, their relationships and close ties and every now and then, may attend to their spiritual needs. Many more will die without answering this question or never follow it through. 

The disease of purposelessness is really a contemporary theme that has become more and more pronounced as humanity has learned to master the material world. Survival gives us a powerful purpose. In the West we no longer fear our survival because we have created a society that supports everyone at a collective level. Almost no one in a wealthy advanced country will die of starvation. Because of this, our fear has shifted to the fear of purposelessness. Now instead of being afraid to die, people are more afraid to live. The fear of not finding your purpose is still really a dressed up fear of death. The majority of people do not even want to think about whether they are fulfilling their true purpose or not because to do so is to look right into their deepest fears. The majority compromise and fall in line with the collective belief that they are trapped by the system — by money, by responsibilities, by taxes. By avoiding suffering at all costs, we have created systems that prevents the growth we are likely to acquire through pain and passion. 


This message is not for the purposeless but those who accept the pain associated with growth. The Buddha spoke fervently about the virtue of forbearance as the catalyst for human growth and development. Just as a seed must forbear the pains of germination, humans must tolerate that pain associated with the growth of spiritual consciousness. By processing our good and bad experiences, we turn the dark knots of karma into true spiritual convictions. Only true conviction will feed and grow the human spirit. Just as a turtle remains in its eggshell for a limited time, while he utilizes that time to develop himself before the cracking of the shell, so also, humans will remain in their body/shell for a considerable length of time to develop from the inside before the cracking/death of the body. 

The Reason for Purpose

No one can be born in the spiritual world with spiritual eyes without having first developed them in this physical world, any more than a child could be born with physical eyes, had they not already been formed within the mother’s womb. The purpose of your life here on earth is to develop yourself from the inside. For once you came into this world because, being what you were, you needed the life it provided to acquire qualities unattainable in any other world. And you must remain bound to this world until you have developed within yourself everything that can here be gained. You shall someday become a useful collaborator in another world only by acquiring all the requisite faculties in this physical world.

I am closer to completing my first book entitled:


Journeys of a wounded healer in spiritual psychotherapy

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Khadijat Quadri


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