Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Pledge to hold the door that links to spirit

One day, during a session with a new client, I asked him how he had found me, as I always do with all new clients. He responded by saying, my co-workers wife heard about you, she said that you are the best in town!! I laughed and responded by saying yes! I am striving to become just that. 

Every morning I think about my spiritual path and place myself under strict examination and contemplate my goal and desire not for men to acknowledge me but for God and all the emissaries of good to grant me the open door where all men stuck and seeking freedom may pass through. 

The doors I speak of  are pierced through many material doors, and at each door would stand an angel to guard it, and from each material door on earth links to the highest spheres chain of spirits, each link being one stage higher than the one below it, and to humans upon earth were given the keys of these doors that they might keep them open and that between humans and the spirit world there might be a passage. But, alas! as time passed and many of those who held these keys were not faithful. They were allured by the joys and the gifts of earth, and turned aside and suffered their doors to close. Others again kept their doors but partly open and where only light and truth should have shown they suffered errors and darkness to creep in, and again the light from the spirit world was sullied and broken as it passed through these darkened doorways. Still more sad, as time passed on, the light ceased to shine at all and gave place to the thick impure rays from dark deceitful spirits from the lower sphere, and at last angels would close that door to be opened no more on earth. 

But still yet, many new doors will open where humans stand, whose hearts were pure and unselfish and unsullied by the desires of earth; and through these doors poured such a flood of light upon the earth.  

For thousands of years many spiritual doors have been closed because of man’s corrupted views. Even the door that was Jesus, where many wait as we speak in the present and afterlife are shocked that the door has been closed owing to man’s debasement of truth. The recognition I seek is from the greatest heights of the universe and forever will I focus on complete devotion to the ultimate perfection of the light of the supreme God!!! 

And so it is and so it is

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Khadijat Quadri


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