Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Perils of Darkness

Sulking like the most stubborn children, people today have closed themselves to the recognition of the all wise love thereby harming themselves to such an extent that it makes it extremely difficult to ascend to greater heights. They have become lost like a useless grain of seed in this creation.

The smallest of all the evils they have inflicted upon themselves and others during their wanderings have become multilayered incarnations on earth that result from their reciprocal actions. These incarnations take up centuries, perhaps thousands of years, ever delaying the possibility of their spiritual ascension and causing new suffering to arise.

They form new chains of unnecessary entanglements, not realizing that they must redeem all their evil acts down to the finest speck of dust before their spirit can rise from the confusion brought about by stubbornness.

A Message to Earnest Seekers of the Light

This message is for those earnest seekers wishing to free themselves from this disgusting state of humanity. Those who wish not to loose the opportunity of ascension and who do not want to be sucked in by the whirlpool of destruction created by those who no longer wish to change themselves.

But even amongst the earnest seekers, only a small number of them will attain real salvation for many will become weak too soon and loose heart and even sometimes think they have taken the wrong course. Because so much opposes them and causes vexation, worry and suffering. For before their awakening, they did not notice the evils around them, nor their past wrong ways of thinking and acting.

The Severance from Darkness

When one begins to strive away from the darkness that holds them, one may begin to notice that this process is quite painful. Because until then, the grip of the darkness and evil was not noticeable. They did not realize that they had voluntarily adapted themselves in its embrace.

Prior to their awakening, they felt no counter pressure but always yielded without struggling against evil. Only when one decides to uplift himself will he feel the pressure against his ascent. He must tear himself forcibly away in other to become free of the ties retaining it. This tearing away cannot always take place without pains, for a tearing away cannot be accomplished with gentleness.

The Call For Judgement

No time is left for a quiet severance. For this earth has already sunk far too deeply and the final fulfillment is upon it. Many people do not reflect about all this. Many may doubt their resolution to disengage from darkness because they never perceived such hinderances before as they were quite comfortable in it and hence they sink further into the dark until the call for judgement.

If you wish to make the ascension, you must wrench yourself free from the darkness of this world. As soon as you resolve to escape the collapsing darkness pulling you down into the depths, a ray of light will appear to help you. You have tied enumerable knots into the threads of your fate through your past wrong thinking and actions that so pulled you down.

You will find the knots you wove for yourself along your path and you must untie them so you can be freed.

Do Not Give Up!

Everything will hamper and oppose you the moment you choose ascent into the light. You must fight for yourself and never forget that you are actually in the darkness where a good volition is immediately attacked. Your surroundings will quickly seek to make their claims felt if you dare to sever yourself from them. Although previously, nobody bothered to ask you what your soul desired. Nobody paid any attention to your soul, to its hunger and starvation for truth. Nobody proved willing to refresh you. Yet at the very moment you dare to place your foot on the path to redemption, then they suddenly and quickly make themselves heard, so that you will not leave them. You will see that your relatives and friends are nothing but blind tools of the darkness. observe this and learn to recognize the darkness thereby.

Your love must be directed to the light. Do not be swayed.

I pray for your strength and conviction as you tread out of the valleys of shadows of darkness. The light is with you. Do not miss this ascension. It is at Hand!!!

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Khadijat Quadri


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