I would like to begin this month’s newsletter by thanking the City’s various waste disposal systems and the men and women who work tirelessly on a daily and weekly basis, picking up our waste and providing the highest quality waste processing services while keeping the best interests of the community and environment a priority. They have a thankless job but notwithstanding, they are there unfailingly to the best of their ability, to ensure that we do not have to worry about the things that are no longer useful to us. They work in the landfill and city dumps where you will find the grossest hazardous wastes, processing, burning, grinding, and recycling. Every home needs a trashcan, and every city needs a disposal system.
The universe also has a waste disposal system. And just like the city’s waste management system, there are beings who work tirelessly to process, clean, and recycle all energies deemed hazardous, unhelpful and no longer useful for the universe. Some religions call it hell, the Bardos or purgatory. Its looks very much like the city dump and the beings who work there are quite terrible looking. They are busy sorting ethereal beings aka human beings who have crossed over and who by all accounts have failed to avail themselves of the multiple resources, opportunities and help to aid in their evolution.
Many people despise the devil, Satan or Mara depending on the religion, but they do not understand the valuable service they provide to the universe. They work for GOD and perform a thankless job of picking up beings who refuse to work in alignment with the laws of GOD.
I am not equating the men and women who work for the city dump with the devil but only to open our minds and eyes and change our viewpoints about the beings we find most abhorrent. It wasn’t until I studied the Tibetan Book of the Dead, that I began to understand the work of the evil creatures. I have also gotten glimpses of these lower realms and just as the evil beings are doing their work of re-cycling, there are also scavengers, looking to salvage people who found their way there by their own volition.
The Devil works for GOD

There are an unprecedented number of evil creatures flying all around the world which leads me to ask why? In the last ten years, people have become lazier in their thinking, careless in their thoughts and fixed in their behaviors. It seems that we are in a massive clean-up phase. As more and more people and so-called celebrities have come out openly and covertly to reveal their alignment with satanic forces, they fail to understand that even Satan is doing exactly what GOD has assigned him to do. In their ignorance and stupidity, they seek reverence in the one who will ensure their ultimate disintegration. A massive number of people engaging in fakery, pretending to help others while working for organizations and institutions with evil agendas will have no one but themselves to blame when the final clean up phase begins.
Seeing beyond the veil
The Holy Spirit has taken me through some major training and lessons the last three years, one of which involved see through the veils of illusion. It began when a bat flew into my bedroom and stopped to look straight at me. In my fear and frenzy, considering COVID-19 supposedly came from a bat, I freaked out! We searched everywhere for the bat and called exterminators and we found no sign of the bat or bats in the area. Then I knew, I was in for another major initiation. Like a bat, I must learn to pierce the veils of darkness. Many clairvoyants can see into the ethereal template of another person’s emotional, mental and energetic field, but this one was different, I was called to see past the ethereal, to the real person, and the real situation. This was no longer about spirituality as a past time, or fake positivity and the reverse psychological games people play. I needed to learn who is who and what is what and to no longer assess another by his/her ethereal template, but by their true causal nature.
Our Sacred Duty

It is the sacred duty of all human beings to investigate why they are living on earth, or in general in this Creation, and why they are suspended by thousands of ethereal cords. No one considers himself so insignificant as to imagine that his existence is without purpose unless he agrees with those who tell him that he has no purpose. Many find themselves too important and yet there are an even smaller number of people capable of laboriously detaching themselves from their spiritual indolence and seriously concern themselves with investigating their task on earth.
It is solely indolence and laziness of the spirit that makes people willing to accept the firmly established doctrines of others. And it is indolence that lies in the reassurance that comes from thinking that it is great to adhere to the faith of our parents, without submitting its underlying principles to keen, careful and independent examination. People are now eagerly supported by calculating and selfish organizations, which believe that the best way to extend and safeguard their influence, and thus to increase their power, is by adding to the number of their followers (checkout social media!). They are far from the recognition of God; for otherwise they would not bind people in firmly established doctrines but would instead remind people that they are free to make their own spiritual decisions!
By making up our own minds and coming to our own convictions can we come to the true recognition of God; for only free, sincere conviction can help us to achieve luminous heights. We must learn to recognize our path in Creation, and we will also know the purpose of our existence. Then we will be filled with grateful rejoicing, and the greatest happiness a human spirit is able to bear, which lies solely in the recognition of God! The supreme bliss of the true recognition of God, which can never grow out of an acquired blind faith, much less come to flower; but convinced knowledge, knowing conviction, alone gives to the spirit what is necessary for its enlightenment.
Shawshank Redemption

I remember the first time I watched the movie Shawshank Redemption; I cried like a baby. Something about this movie spoke to my soul. I still consider it to this day, one of my favorite movies and even back then, I did not fully understand why this movie shook me to the core.
There is nothing special about a prison movie, a man wrongly convicted and sent to prison. It may have been his level of calmness in the face of injustice, the way he managed to maintain honesty, hard work, unconditional love and kindness, compassion, and co-operation while engaging, corrupt prison mates and guards. He never gives up hope. He never stops trying to make things a little better, not just for him but for everyone around him. He never becomes institutionalized. He never stops believing in his own innocence, but he accepts his situation and makes the best of it. And, it turns out at the end, from the very beginning he has had a decades long plan to escape, which he eventually carries through, exacting justice and saving his friend on his way.
Despite my situation at the time, in my darkest hours of rejection and pain, Andy gave me a template for coping with my darkest days.
We are reminded to stay present, grounded and thoughtful during the coming months. We do not fight flesh and blood but principalities and powers.
In the words of Andy, “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”
Blessings in the Love and Light of the Pre-Existent Source