Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Fool

For the last five years, I have received profound insights, visions and experiences on Easter Sunday. One year, after his passing, I saw the consciousness transfer of my beloved pet dog Bruno as he merged into his higher self – he was an angelic foo dog. Another time, an experience of the golden ones and several others. Usually, these experiences happen the night of Easter and I was excited to gain some new insight this year. Before bed, I asked my Divine Light to reveal to me a deep resentment and give me clarity and a deeper truth.

On the morning of easter, I woke up to a feeling that I had some amazing dreams, but I could not remember what it was. However, something strange happened as I woke up and laid awake in bed. I heard a loud voice that yelled the word “FOOL”! I was startled and rather surprised by this message. I almost immediately began to assume that it must have been a voice skull technology or frequency mind control.

Most people assume all their thoughts, through meditation and research, I realized I could hear frequencies being broadcast to entrain the mind. As I contemplated this voice/message, my mind went to my childhood. My mother called me a fool so many times throughout my childhood years that I spent my entire adult life trying to prove to myself that I was not one. I was again triggered by my traumas and sat up to say a prayer of forgiveness. Almost disappointed at not seeing glowing lights and spiritual sights, my divine light then showed me an image of the Tarot card of the Fool. Knowing what the fool symbolizes in tarot, I calmed down and took it as a divine message. 

The Fool in Tarot

Lately, the fool card has been coming up in my personal readings and often times symbolizes new beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, unlimited possibilities, pleasure, passion, innocence, and being open minded. In tarot, the fool is a daydreamer lost in his thoughts, he does not see the cliff and is likely to fall over. The dog at his heels tries to warn him.

Other Mythological Stories of the Fool

The fool has also been represented in many ancient mythologies. One occurred via the Great Apostasy, the hijacking of the teachings of Christ by the forces of Set/Yahweh/Demiurge. This began around 50 A.D. with the misguided activities of Saul the Roman who converted to Paul the Apostle after encountering a blinding light. Together with the subsequent penning of the Canonical Gospels, this case of timeline intervention by otherworldly forces ultimately produced the Roman Catholic Church, which became directly or indirectly responsible for the death of millions of heretics and unsanctioned psychic/gnostic bloodlines, and the spiritual enslavement of billions more.

Meanwhile, the Jewish presence in history served as a sand in the oyster that eventually produced the black pearl of Nazism, which became the nucleus of the Military Industrial Complex, which since 1960 has been working feverishly on behalf of negative alien factions to prepare our planet for final assimilation.

This Corrupt Demiurge usurped the Divine Logos and took control of the Matrix. The avenging heroes represent the Christ intelligence, whose role is to destroy the Control System and bring the Matrix back into rightful harmonization with the Logos. The heroic fool, however, represents more the portion of this Christ intelligence that is working within the system to undermine it, the “ground team” so to speak.

The fool represents what the Ra Material calls “Wanderers,” or what the book Bringers of the Dawn calls “Systems Busters.” These are higher souls who have volunteered to incarnate into the Matrix Control System to help. Entering via the womb and being confined to a primitive human body means donning the shackles of mental and spiritual retardation. By default, they forget who they are and, like Tarzan, get “raised by apes of the jungle.”

Hence by entering this world, they become “idiots” relative to their original form. But underneath, they still maintain an innate sense of wisdom, freedom, and spiritual intelligence that puts them out of step with social norms. As much as they need to become human to survive here, they must also overcome or reject social programming that might interfere with their mission. To society, they may appear as fools for not buying into the Control System values. And should these souls awaken from their programming and begin the inner and outer search for truth and purpose, they would soon think, speak, feel, and act according to higher knowledge and standards that society simply cannot comprehend, thus they would once again be seen as fools for subscribing to “utter nonsense.”

Everyone reading this knows firsthand how society too easily dismisses higher wisdom as lunatic ravings. I can say with certainty that if you have read this far, you are likely a Wanderer, and you have walked the Way of the Fool. Here I am simply revealing what this path signifies and why it exists.

The Clarity and Deeper Truth

I asked for a deep resentment to be revealed and discover a spiritual insight and I received it! I want to thank my divine light for this new level of awareness.

And there you have it! 

The very name I sought to lose! A name I fought against like Marty McFly to the word “chicken” in the movie back to the future!

I thank my mother for all those years of calling me a fool! She must have known that I was one of the fools. Even though she meant it as an insult and abuse, on the level of spiritual truth, it was a guide to recognizing who I am!

On this Easter day, remember that Christ unifies the Living but divides them from the Dead. The Living must recognize and love each other, for we are one in purpose, essence, and origins. We must cast off what does not belong to us: the fetters of social and biological programming, ego-based impulses, emotional addictions, material obsessions, illusory fears, and mortal personality. In the end, we will be stripped of these and will stand spiritually naked before the World, unassailable in our strength and purity, thousands of Christs holding torches to the framework of our sham existence.

I bless all fools out there! Systems Busters! The powerful warriors of the Divine Light! 


This has been a transformational series!

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Khadijat Quadri


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