Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Evolving Human

The planet began its evolution with matter in a weak form and over thousands of years grew in complexity, element by element, then species by species, always evolving into a higher state of vibration. 

When primitive humans came along, we continued this evolution unconsciously by conquering others and gaining energy and moving forward a little bit, and then being conquered ourselves by someone else and losing our energy. This physical conflict continued until we invented democracy, a system that didn’t end the conflict but shifted it from a physical to a mental level. 

We are bringing this whole process into consciousness. We can see that all of human history has prepared us to achieve conscious evolution. Now, we can increase our energy and experience the coincidences consciously. This carries evolution onward at a faster pace, lifting our vibrations even higher.”

Sometime in the future one individual will grasp the exact way of connecting with God’s source of energy and direction and would thus become a lasting example that this connection is possible.

Our destiny is to continue to increase our energy level. And as our energy level increases, the level of vibration in the atoms of our bodies increases. The evolving human will become lighter, more purely spiritual.

By increasing your vibration, an amazing thing will begin to happen. You will suddenly become invisible to those who are still vibrating at a lower level. It will appear to the people on this lower level that the others just disappeared, but you will feel as though you are still here, only you will feel lighter.

I have had several experiences where clients freaked out because they reported that I looked blurry, another decribed that I would fade from solid to invisible and many, including children reported that I was shining, and described lights around me. It’s happening more and more. Even people who aren’t clairvoyant see my energy. I am not consciously aware of this happening and so to hear so many people describing this phenomenon is a witness and validation that the path and practice I discovered is working.

There is a trick to this discovery. It is a methodical and decisive process one which most people do not understand and have called me insane, crazy and even relatives called me “ode” meaning dumb and stupid.

 I tried to teach my discoveries to others but it is difficult to explain to people that are not open and the ones that think they are are really not. There is an incidious effort by those who are opposed to man’s evolution through gene editing and therapuetics for which many around the world have succumed to. This will severely circumvent the evolutionary process and derail the mental focus needed to win the mental-spiritual war and advance as a species. 

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Khadijat Quadri


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