Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

The Debasement of Divine Love

Divine Love is Inseparable from Divine Justice

How can Divine Love be measured by the standard of human love? Moreover, how can It be valued even below this human love? Look at those people who picture Divine Love as the highest ideal. The believe that Divine love is silently enduring and also forgiving everything! They want to recognize Divinity by the fact that It tolerates any misbehavior from lower creatures, the same way humans are as gullible, weak and cowardly. Just reflect what a monstrous insult this implies! Humans would like to sin unpunished, and then finally even please their God by allowing Him to forgive their wrong-doing without having to atone for it themselves! Such presumption shows either the utmost narrow-mindedness, unpardonable laziness, or the realization of how hopelessly weak they are in bringing forth the good volition to strive upwards: The one, however, is as reprehensible as the other. 

Picture to yourselves Divine Love! Crystal clear, radiant, pure and great! Can you then imagine that It is as sentimentally weak and ignobly yielding as mankind would so like it to be? They want to build up a false greatness where they wish for weakness, they give a false picture only to deceive and reassure themselves about their own shortcomings, which make them willing servants of the Darkness. Where then is to be found the freshness and power that unquestionably belong to the crystal purity of Divine Love? 

Divine Love is inseparable from the utmost severity of Divine Justice. Indeed It even is Divine Justice. Justice is Love, and Love again lies only in Justice. In this alone lies also Divine Forgiveness. The churches are right in saying that God forgives everything! And really forgives! Contrary to man, who goes on condemning a person even after he has atoned for some trivial offence, and thus burdens himself with a double guilt by such thoughts, because he does not act according to the Will of God. Here human love is lacking in justice. The activity of the Divine Creative Will purifies every human spirit of its guilt as soon as it strives upwards, whether through its own experiences or through its voluntary efforts at improvement. If it returns to the Spiritual Realm from these mills in the World of Matter, it will then stand pure in the Kingdom of its Creator; it matters not what its guilt may have been! Just as pure as one who has never yet sinned. 

How could God allow such years of tribulation? Where does love, where does justice come in? The question is asked by mankind, by nations, often by families and the individual human being! Should this not rather prove to him that, after all, God’s Love is probably different from what many would like to imagine it? Just try in this way to visualize to the end the all-forgiving Love of God, as man insists on portraying It! Demanding no self-atonement, tolerating everything, and ultimately even offering generous forgiveness. It must produce a lamentable result! Does man consider himself so precious that his God should suffer under this? Thus, more precious even than God Himself? To what lengths does men’s presumption go. – On thinking it over calmly you must stumble over a thousand obstacles, and can only come to a conclusion when you belittle God and make Him imperfect. But He was, and is, and remains perfect, regardless of men’s attitude to this. His Forgiveness lies in Justice. Nothing else. And in this unconditional Justice also lies the great Love which has hitherto been so misunderstood!

More than half of all the humans living at the present time do not belong on this earth at all! Already for thousands of years people have sunk so low, and live so strongly in the Darkness, that through their unclean volition they have built many bridges to dark spheres which are far below this earth-plane. There live those who have sunk deeply, whose ethereal weight would never have permitted the possibility of their rising to this earth-plane. This formed a protection both for all those living on earth and for these dark ones themselves. They are separated by the natural Law of Ethereal Gravity.

The time is closing in. Things are piling up ever more, rising like a rampart which will soon collapse and crash down upon mankind, who go on living unsuspectingly in spiritual apathy. Finally, at the time of fulfilment, they will naturally no longer have the free choice! They must now just reap what they sowed at that time, and also later on their wrong ways.

RU-SHIN, ABD-. In the Light of Truth: The Composite Grail Message . Grail Foundation Press. 

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