Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

How Gautama became a Buddha

When Gautama realized that everything was within him and there was nowhere to search, he suddenly had the energy to take the next step. He then crossed the river and sat down under the bodhi tree. It was a full moon night as he sat there with his determination and persistence. Either he must see the ultimate nature of existence now or he will sit there and die. The Buddha was determined. He will not open his eyes until he knows this.

Once the Buddha made that resolve to know what is within him, the answers began to unveil itself. When the Buddha saw that he did not have to do anything in particular for realization, he became fully enlightened. The moon was shining, he had not eaten properly for years, he was a Samana for four years and although he had gathered five disciples, these guys thought he was for real because he did not eat and was really rigid. But after enlightenment, they suddenly saw him in an exuberant state, and they could see the light on his face. Then, they were waiting for him to open his eyes and give a marvelous teaching but instead, all the Buddha did was open his eyes looked at them and smiled. He then said to the disciples, cook something, let’s eat.

The disciples were disappointed, they thought that he had lost it because they walked with him for four years when he had nothing but torture but when he got enlightened, they left him because they wanted to hear something severe but instead, he said cook something let’s eat. They felt that the Buddha was wasting their time.


When I began my meditation practice fifteen years ago, it was due to my realizations about the nature of this world and the vast majority of people within it. I realized that I could not depend on it for anything and the things I truly wanted in my heart…. things like love, joy, relationship and peace, I could not find outside of myself. When my birth family disowned me, when I lost my job, when the marriage, I knew was a farce failed and when friends suddenly disappeared, I knew then, it was time to go within. I took up the study of the Dharma, amongst other teachings. I used to work as an investigator in previous jobs and one thing that I enjoyed doing was putting the pieces of the puzzle together to get to the answers I was looking for. I wanted to know who I was, my purpose on the planet and to find my true family and friends. I wanted to see my inner world and to develop an intimate relationship with it.

Haven lost everything that had really no meaning in my life, I had nothing to lose then. My inner life was the only path I could take. Additionally, I had made the resolve to help others in a truly meaningful way and the only way to achieve this was also through the inner journey because then will I be able to pierce through the veils of illusions that plagued people.

In December 2012, there was a big rumor about Y-2K and a possible computer reset that could devastate the world. Many were frantic and those who that money build bunkers and all kinds of physical safety nets, at the same time, others carried on with their daily lives, unconcerned and some mocked the very possibly of something terrible happening, some took it as a business opportunity and others turned to religion. The day came with the sound of a trumpet. I heard it clearly and what came also was a deep urgency within me to prepare. I did not know what to prepare for, but it felt that I needed to deepen within my spiritual journey and to stabilize my meditation practice, contemplate, question my belief systems and take control of my mind.

I have been sounding the alarm since, but many looked at me as if I was crazy and negative. I told anyone who would listen to look at the world for what it really is and to make a resolve for spirit and their inner journey. I made attempts to teach the meditation practices as it takes years to perfect, but many were too indolent and instead wanted a quick fix.

I warned people that 2020 is not about a virus but the greatest mental health crises the world has ever seen, but my warning fell on deaf ears.

I will continue to sound this alarm and heed my warnings….

If you do not gain control of your mind, someone/something will control it for you. If you do not take a stand for the light, you will fall to the dark. It is as simple as that.

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Khadijat Quadri


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