Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

February 2022 is a Special Month!

February is always a special month for me. Not just because it’s my birthday month, but because it holds the powerful universal significance of the number two. From the moment of our conception of one egg and one sperm to the union of the soul and spirit, all aspects of human and universal evolution respond in twos.

Numerology is the language of the universe. Numbers are not literally numbers but representations of underlying universal laws that govern the universe. Man can never break the divine laws because the rules, orders, and algorithms of mathematics will never change. Operating in the role of psychotherapist, I enjoy looking at the ways in which numbers play out in people’s lives and the hidden messages important for their spiritual evolvement.

Behind every number are energy, frequency, and vibration. Behind the exoteric understanding of number 2 is the esoteric meaning of number 2. In the outer form, you can see number 2 is manifested differently in various subjects such as the Moon in astrology, the High Priestess in tarot, the Duality Principle, etc. In spirituality, number 2 represents duality, harmony, balance, and sex. As two is the second number, it usually symbolizes opposition, feminine, and cooperation.

Those who are born under number 2 energy are spiritually gifted nurturers, diplomats, and cooperators. Of course, all numbers are powerful indicators in the universe, but I get a sense that February could bring more opportunities for deepening union within the self.

The low vibrational response to February is usually romance, roses, teddy bears and valentine’s day, which is a detraction from the higher calling of spiritual union.

There are many special numerological dates happening in February 2022 for those of us committed to not just outer development but also inner development. The development of consciousness, the mind, and the emergence of the Christ self— pay close attention to 2/2/2022, 2/4/2022, 2/22/2022, 2/24/2022 and so on.

The 28-Day Challenge

In celebration of balance, cooperation and inner union, I am inviting you to join me on a 28-day challenge starting February 1st” 2022. Throughout the month, we will desist from all social media including Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube and the endless forms of distractions that permeate our daily lives. We will also avoid watching divisive news outlets and their contradicting messages. 

Applying Dzogchen Teachings

Rigpa: The Pristine Mind

Daily meditation and mindfulness will help us bring the mind to pristine awareness. Through consistent meditation practice, our mind will cease its endless chatter and become open, clean and pristine. There will be no discordant feelings in you even when you are challenged by external chaos. Rigpa is the purified version of awareness that is always present inside us. This type of consciousness is radiant and alerted to any outward stimulation. Rigpa, the knowledge of knowledge itself, is one of the greatest gifts of life that can never be destroyed after it is once obtained. Most people believe that not even death can diminish this awareness inside of us.

Trekcho: Cutting Through Materialism

As we maintain daily meditations, we will endeavor to cut out all delusional thoughts. Trekcho is the ability to maintain the pristine mind and not allow external forces or internal noise to detract one from the pristine awareness. When one arrives at Rigpa after consistent and diligent meditation, one comes to the peaceful space in the mind. It is a love space that you would never want to give up no matter the delusions that arise. This empty space is the doorway to the light of God otherwise called the Christ seed or the God gene. Trekcho is the art of holding the awareness of the empty space. Many things happen during trekcho! The darkness we see when we close our eyes will cease to exist and through this darkness unveils the light and spiritual dimensions.

Togal: The Direct Crossing

Togal is the leaping over. Here the heart’s wisdom and essence become your guiding light. The light emerges from the darkness of the empty mind and merges into your soul. This is the ultimate union of two!!! This union is sexual in nature, blissful and indescribable. You become the epitome of love itself as you have accomplished your sacred union from within.

Yes!!! It is February the union of TWO within. 

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Khadijat Quadri


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