Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

Epigenetic Balancing Treatment

Kuadra Counseling is certified and licensed to provide Bioenergetic, Biofeedback Quantum Healing Techniques for Mind, Body and Spiritual Wellness.

The Bio-Energetic Expression of Life

The Quantum Biofeedback technology developed by Dr Bernard Straile is rooted in the meridian system of traditional Chinese tradition. The IMAET Technology provides a very useful interface between the body’s biochemistry and bioinformatics and challenges the body experiences with environmental demands.

The bio-energetic expression of life, in Hindu culture is called the Prana, in Chinese traditional culture is called Qi and is defined in meridians and acupoints. When we merge these traditional wisdoms with our modern scientific knowledge of biochemistry and epigenetics, we enter a new universe of understanding health and dis-ease. We are entering the cyberspace of the body. Gaining the new understanding becomes a matter of information analysis. It has been called ” DECODING THE HUMAN BODYFIELD” by Peter Fraser and “INTERACTING FIELDS OF ENERGY AND INFORMATION THAT SURROUND LIVING SYSTEMS” by the NIH.

IMAET Technology integrates epigenetic science and Quantum Biofeedback with ancient Chinese medicine, tapping procedures and kinesiology (MRT) into precision energy medicine technique, which aims at harmonizing the metabolic stressors created by SNPs (Single nucleotide polymorphisms), mutations and genetic variants.

How does it work?

When we look at the meridian system as the internet of cells. It is within these channels that the cellular communications happen. And it is here we can analyze what the body as a whole and a system of 100 trillion cells, is communicating about. It will reveal everything from allergies to sensitivities to normal bio-chemical processes like digestion or hormone metabolism. This includes the immune response, long before the immune system becomes overwhelmed and we become ill.

How is Bioenergetics different from Traditional Medicine and Pharmacology?

  • Bioenergetics and Energy Medicine function exactly opposite to physical medicine in that bioenergetics focuses on harmonizing gene expression vs damaging the genome or replacing it with artificial or synthetic genes.
  • Bioenergetics stimulates and turns genes on whereas medical treatments inhibit genes.
  • Bioenergetics upregulates enzyme activity whereas traditional medicine inhibits biochemical activity.
  • Addresses dis-ease from the backend as opposed to treating symptoms and not offering root cause.
  • Bioenergetics reverses gene mutations caused by toxins in the food, medicine and environment.

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Khadijat Quadri


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