Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

Covid-19 and Mental Health Stress

covid 19 mental health

Hi everyone,

I’m getting more and more cases of depression, anxiety, and brain fog. I thought it would be a good idea to share some information. Please read on if you or someone you know has been feeling depressed, anxious, or feel like your brain is sluggish, foggy, or scattered….

If you look at the chart above, I think the depression cases are actually much higher if they show the percentage in December versus June 2020. My personal opinion is that 40%+ of Americans are dealing with some level of depression because of isolation, politics, Covid fear, and loneliness. For young people, it seems to be more devastating. Some cities and states are opening up, but I think it’s going to be a slow process. For instance, Texas stopped their mask mandate officially, but everywhere I went today still required a mask. About half the people are happy about not being required to wear a mask, the other half are angry! Here are some tips for keeping your sanity!

1. Keep a routine. If you normally shower in the morning, shower each morning. If you have time to make breakfast, try to get up about the same time each day, even on the weekends.

2. Get sunlight every day for at least 30 minutes

3. Go outside – go for a walk, have a picnic, eat your lunch outside, go feed the ducks at your nearest lake, go fishing

4. Listen to your favorite music

5. Exercise – it can be hula hoop in your living room or rebounding a mini trampoline but try to do 30 minutes per day of exercise

6. Plant a vegetable or flower garden

7. Learn something new, anything

8. Don’t watch negativity on the news or on your phone

9. Eat as healthy as you can – whole foods, not drive-thru or delivery

10. Pray or meditate once or twice per day

11. Go back to your goals and manifestations from December and determine if you are on track. Or make your goals now if you didn’t already. If you are not on track, then start taking action steps to get on track.

I’m going to say something that may challenge some of your belief systems. When people have depression or anxiety and they start taking medications for it, most of the time the underlying cause was nutritional deficiencies, especially amino acid and essential fatty acid deficiency. These psyche drugs do not replenish or resolve the nutritional deficiencies and they can actually add to the problems of feeling despair, depression, and also suicidal thoughts. In fact, many of the psych drugs are dopamine or serotonin or glutamine inhibitors, blocks or antagonists. This means they are actually working against normal brain function. There are actually very few cases of people that have serotonin or dopamine excess. The real problem is a deficiency. (In the case of schizophrenia and paranoia, there could be dopamine excess).

But let’s go a step further, what causes dopamine excess – smoking cigarettes, alcohol, and certain drugs. It’s very rare to have dopamine excess that is not being caused by something else. It’s a dangerous balancing act to smoke and take dopamine inhibitor drugs, like walking a tightrope and never really feeling normal.

So here’s something else I tell a lot of clients. If you have an addictive personality, you are probably dopamine deficient, to begin with. If you take an opioid drug or painkiller, smoke a cigarette, or binge on chocolate and feel great, or better than usual, your body is seeking “feeling normal”. But instead of taking dopamine nutritional support in the form of l-phenylalanine, you seek out opioids, alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate, etc. The body is always trying to find equilibrium.

Does anyone remember the 80’s??? (Lyndsay will say I’m dating myself now!!!). Some people were feeling good on cocaine, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs like ecstasy because they were feeling pretty great on these dopamine enhancers. And then there was the other half of the population that was like, “I don’t get it. I tried it and didn’t feel anything or I feel great without those.” WHY??? Because half the population wasn’t dopamine deficient so when they tried these dopamine things, they didn’t feel any better.

The original AA program was highly focused on nutrition, which makes sense for addicts. Why should addicts need to suffer unnecessarily? This is not new research. He was talking about the AA program many years ago before it split into two groups. If someone could eat correctly and/or supplement correctly and their addictions are reduced or resolved, then why wouldn’t anyone want to take this approach. Because they don’t know!!!!

Why has there been an opioid addiction issue??? This is just illegal street drugs turned legal. People felt okay getting a prescription to feel good versus buying drugs from the local drug dealer. Most ADD and ADHD medicines are the same. They are amphetamines and we are training our kids at an early age to be drug dependent. Do you think they are going to grow out of it??? No, when your body becomes hooked on amphetamines at an early age, it’s a setup for drug and alcohol addictions. All in an attempt to feel “normal”.

There is said it!!!

I am taking note of increasing cases of covid vaccine related depression and the Nuvision is actually showing up on people with extreme case of fatigue and depression as a vaccine damage.

Call me if you are needing a nuvision appointment. I have had some success with the reconnect features and reducing the effects of depression and anxiety symptoms.

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Khadijat Quadri


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