In many stories we hear about courage, the people who fight for positive change end up being ostracized—and sometimes even lose their jobs and reputation. What we have seen in the course of social change tells a more nuanced story.
Most acts of courage don’t come from whistleblowers or organizational martyrs. Instead, they come from respected insiders at all levels who take action—be it campaigning for a risky strategic move, pushing to change an unfair policy, or speaking out against unethical behavior—because they believe it’s the right thing to do.
Their reputations and track records enable them to make more headway than those on the margins or outside the organization could. And when they manage the process well, they don’t necessarily pay a high price for their actions; instead, they may be the ones that create positive change.
Speaking Truth to Power
A great change is upon us, and God’s timing has come. We will see corrupt leadership fall from all corners of the planet and a new dawn will rise. Out of nowhere, God will raise the Ensign.
The voice who brings the light of truth to power.
More Details Coming….