Kuadra Counseling and Consulting

When you reach the space in the mind that is beyond thought, the only thing you'll find is love and the only purpose of life is to ease the suffering of others. To the enlightened ones, the happiness of one is the happiness of all. By transforming ourselves to the bodies of light, we become the immortals that watch over mankind.

~ Khadijat Quadri

Holistic Healing Modalities

Holistic healing is a mindful healing approach that focuses on the body, mind, and spirit because each part is equaly important and has the power to influence the other. If one aspect of the self is in distress, then other parts may suffer as well. So we focus on the person as a whole, rather than a specific health condition.

The philosophy behind this is rooted in balance and equilibrium. 

Through integrative therapies, we seek to combine traditional treatments with alternative practices to reach a healthier state of overall wellness.



Hypnotherapy offers a natural way to tap into your inner strength and find balance, peace, and purpose so that you can make meaningful, lasting changes in your life.

Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness, perception, or consciousness that is used by a certified/trained hypnotist/hypnotherapist for treating a psychological or physical problem in a highly relaxed mental state. It is a state of inner absorption, concentration, and focused attention. Similar to using a magnifying glass to focus the rays of the sun and make them more powerful. When your mind is focused, you are able to use it more powerfully and unlock more potential. 

Hypnosis can be used to treat phobias, anxiety, sexual problems, alcoholism, smoking, speech disorders, weight control, chronic pain, memory/concentration issues, and more.

One common misconception is that a hypnotized person loses their will and is partially or completely under the command of the hypnotist, but nothing could be further from the truth.

  • You will not be asleep or unconscious, you will be aware of everything at all times.
  • You will not be weakened in any way or made to do anything against your will.
  • You will not begin to reveal secret information.

Quit Smoking

We offer an array of hypnotherapies to treat a number of negative behavior patterns, such as addictions to smoking and other harmful substances.

If you are struggling to quit smoking, hypnosis may be just the treatment you need to quit. If you’ve tried nicotine replacements and other kinds of patches, but are still struggling to quit smoking, then perhaps you should try to “quit smoking with hypnosis.” Several studies have shown that hypnotherapy is a great way to stop smoking. It not a difficult task. It is simply about confronting the issue of smoking at it’s source—the negative recurrent patterns in your mind. This is why quitting smoking with hypnosis is such a great idea. Start your sessions today and start living a free and healthy life.

Lose Weight

KUADRA Consulting and Counseling Services uses hypnotherapy as a tool to reprogram your mind towards ‘mindful eating’ in order to achieve a healthy weight loss.

Research shows that hypnosis and mindfulness-based eating, also known as “mindful eating,” are effective tools for long-term weight loss. Mindful eating involves changing your perception of food and how you treat your body. It’s a new way of behaving and feeling in harmony with one’s natural body state and one’s surrounding environment. Mindful eating enables you to truly listen to your body’s internal signals and understand the foods your body needs to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy will help you relax and shrink your appetite, while improving your self-worth, motivation, emotional regulation.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanism is the most ancient of human healing and spiritual practices. It is a way of accessing the love, wisdom, compassion, and power of the spirit world in order to receive help for one’s self or to serve others.

One of the central ideas of shamanism is that all of the world is alive and has a spirit, and that we are all connected to each other as a result of this.

Shamanic healing allows us to address the spiritual aspects of an illness by  considering the interconnectedness of the physical with the mental, emotional and spiritual essence. 

Shamanic healing has been found to be very beneficial in treating many health issues, including abuse, fatigue, chronic pain, alcohol or drug dependency, and emotional or mental illness.

Shamanic counseling is used to teach a person to use the shamanic journey for personal problem-solving and for spiritual inspiration. It is also useful to help a person release self-limiting beliefs and assumption.

Shamanic Soul Revival

Through soul retrieval ceremonies we can receive information about the past and future, help the spirits of deceased people to cross over, and perform ceremonies for the community.

The shamanic practice known as soul retrieval is perhaps the oldest and most important level of spiritual healing. In doing soul retrieval work, the shamanic practitioner teams up with the spirits who assist them, then they go to work together, tracking the lost soul parts much like hunters.


In doing soul retrieval, the shamanic healer and their spiritual assistants locate and retrieve the lost soul parts in the Lower, Middle, or Upper Worlds of the Spirit World. Then with the assistance of their helping spirits, the shamanic practitioner enters into relationship with them, convincing them to return and bringing them back to their original owner. In this process, the person’s soul cluster is restored, and their energetic matrix may return to its former undistorted state.

Kuadra combines psychotherapy, with ritual work to prepare the client for the return of the soul so that there is a renewed space of healing for the recovered soul part. A diagnosis is also conducted to discover the identity and nature of the illness and trauma that caused the soul part to leave the body.  But unlike our modern Western practices, shamanic healing can also empower clients dramatically by divining their illnesses’ ultimate causes while in an expanded state of awareness, neutralizing them at their spiritual and energetic levels, and preventing their reoccurrence by utilizing the assistance of compassionate forces poised to help us beyond the borders of this physical world.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual and emotional healing that addresses the whole person, including body, emotions and mind and spirit. It creates relaxing feelings of peace and clarity. 

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation. It is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and it is what causes us to be alive. When our “life force energy” is low, we become vulnerable to sickness and stress, and when it is high, we are capable of reaching a more healthy and fulfilled life.

When people come for a Reiki session the first session allows the person to relax and calm down and that is when healing begins. Reiki energy sent to the root chakra and also on the heart chakra and solar plexus helps the person’s issues with survival, emotional lack and also abundance issues. Overtime the person starts releasing the pent up issues and allows healing to happen. Reiki combined with prescriptions or other medical treatments helps even better, as it allows the healing to happen faster. 

Reiki sessions have healed people with back pain or other aches and pains tremendously as it helps release the emotional blocks and deep set issues that people have carried for a long time. Call today for an individual or group session.

Reiki Meditation

Reiki meditation is a unique Japanese form of meditation that helps bring peace and healing to the mind (and emotions), body, and soul. Reiki is the Japanese word for “life energy.” This life energy flows through each of us. When it is flowing in abundance, we feel well. But when it’s blocked, we may feel stress and/or sickness.

Reiki meditation helps to clear old, discordant energies—including the energies we pick up from other people when we resonate with them. Reiki helps us to clear our negative energy and releases energetic attachments to others. It is like giving your aura (the energy within and surrounding you) a cleansing bath. Kuadra provides Reiki meditation during counseling sessions. Along with talk therapy, Reiki may help a client with various challenges they face in life, such as addiction, depression, and anxiety. If you would like to have a Reiki meditation session, please let your counselor know at your next session or call the office to make an appointment. 

Become A Reiki Channel

Khadijat Quadri is a Traditional Reiki Master and Independent Teacher of Reiki. She has over 10 years of experience practicing and teaching Reiki. Khadijat had her training under Dr. Lopita Nath who was inturn trained by  Guru Amita Singh from Ranchi, India and Mrs. Elie Changkakoty and Mrs. Reba Nath from Guwahati, India. She has had therapy sessions for people with various needs and has achieved remarkable success in helping people attain physical and mental wellbeing.

The Reiki I class is a wonderful experience consisting of lectures, meditation sessions, learning self- healing, and attunement. The Reiki master is the only person who is trained to give attunement, (Please do not be misled by what is available on youtube.com). The attunement process is necessary to open the chakras and direct the flow of energy. The Reiki II class empowers the Reiki I student with symbols that can be used for powerful transfer of energy. The Reiki II class also teaches how to do distant healing and visual manifestation of anything that you want in life. You don’t have to believe in Reiki for it to have a deep effect on you! You also don’t have to believe that fruit is delicious. In order to enjoy it, you’ll have to take a bite first!

Sound Healing

At Kuadra, we use the power of ancient sound and instruments to promote the healing of body, mind, and spirit.

Sound Healing is the intentional use of sound to create an environment which becomes a catalyst for healing in the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual aspects of our being. Sound is a powerful healing tool because sound is vibrational in nature and we are vibrational beings. Modern science shows us that all life is vibrational in nature. Practically all Cultures around the world use sound to invoke, attune and transform consciousness. Whatever one’s beliefs, we all know the power of the spoken word, of music, of chants and sung melodies, can move us into ecstatic states of rapture or deep states of despair. There is an inherent potency to the very nature of the sound itself, and its emotional content, which can be amplified or enhanced by the spoken or sung verse. 

By surrendering to the highest good, we ourselves become that conduit, or instrument, for peace, for healing, change, or growth.

We can use conscious chanting for invocation or attunement, intuitive or “guided” music to come into deeper awareness, the provocative sounds of crystal “singing” bowls, ancient Tibetan bowls or temple bells, the simple sounds of tuning forks, or formless “toning” (intuitive voicing,) aligning with the highest reaches of the cosmos, and channelling through our voice and body. No matter what techniques are used, sound is the current carrying the creative potency of unconditional love and grace from the subtle to physical dense realms. 

By attuning to and sounding these “sound currents” and coupling them with our own clear potential, and intention, we amplify their force, or voice, opening to and carrying aspects of the sanctity of creation into our being, into our environment, into the Earth, and into the consciousness of others. This assists others to align and move into deeper relationship with that which we each hold as sacred (in whatever form that speaks to us.) By grounding and “anchoring” those energies into our body, our consciousness, and into the Earth, we energize and charge these vehicles of which we are stewards (our bodies, our consciousness, the Earth.

Advanced Integrative Therapy

AIT is a powerful, holistic approach that blends traditional psychotherapy with energy healing techniques. Whether you’re dealing with trauma, anxiety, or stress, AIT helps you heal deeply and naturally by addressing the root cause of emotional and physical blockages. Experience lasting transformation and restore balance in your mind, body, and spirit. Start your healing journey today!

Kuadra Counseling has been the only advanced AIT practitioner in San Antonio for the last ten years. 

First introduced by Asha Clinton PhD, AIT combines trauma treatment, energy psychology, depth psychology, and cognitive therapy into a comprehensive, coherent and elegantly woven system for the healing of mind, body and spirit, in the context of honoring each person’s unique life journey.  AIT is effective in bringing about a holistic, body, mind and spirit healing. Because AIT uses a body-based energetic approach, healing is likely to occur more quickly than traditional approaches. People who experienced treatment using AIT indicate removal of post-traumatic emotion, physical sensation, belief, distorted fantasy and pathological behavior, and reached a fuller state of presence and wholeness.

Give us a call today at ((984) 381-4644 or schedule an appointment to discover how our integrative approach can support your healing journey.