About Kuadra

Khadijat Quadri, LPC, NCC, CHt
Meet Khadijat
Your Licensed Professional Counselor
My name is Khadijat Omobolanle. I am licensed in the state of Texas as a professional counselor and have over 25 years of experience providing individual and families services, psychological assessments, mental health counseling and community program development.
My approach to psychotherapy is based in experiential, transpersonal and spiritual psychology. I spent two decades studying the complexities of the ego mind and incorporating the best-proven healing approaches from western and eastern traditions.
My Origins
I was born in an ancient West African/Western Nigerian tribe and Kingdom called Ijebu. The Jebus date back to Biblical Old Testament and there is much in the way of their migration patterns from Ethiopia, Ancient Egypt and Sudan. We the Jebus, have maintained ancient traditions of birth, death, spiritual rites and animistic communion. They were Spiritual Warriors in every sense, and I have maintained my gifts in spirit.
My upbringing was mired in inexplicable and unconquerable forms of abuse and trauma, I was rejected in every form imaginable and lived to tell my story. Becoming drawn to other people who had experienced similar fates, I worked as a child protective service worker, cared for abandoned babies and to this day, serve low-income communities in the United States. I understood their pain and found my belonging with them. I dedicated my higher education and research studies to find my healing path but every modality and technique I acquired could not answer my need to know “WHY?”.
My Quest
Traditional counseling methods felt insufficient and my quest to understand led me into a deep and isolated spiritual journey. Realizing that my need to know was tied to my healing, understanding and wisdom/enlightenment, I sought to realize what I am as a spirit being and why I chose to participate in major life lessons. By combining traditional and spiritual techniques, I uncovered my truth, spiritual origins and skillsets. My healing journey has since helped me form a pathway for leading others towards their own healing and self-discovery.
My role on this planet is clear and defined by GOD, the Pre-Existent Source and I proudly maintain the truth of what I am as an Angelic being and a carrier of the pure Light. I am loved and protected by God and HE has given me the gifts to utilize for truth, justice and the healing of all sentient beings.
A healer should not be measured by their tools but by the measure of light within them. The light is what makes any tool or technique effective. Just as a bad farmer with good tools cannot yield good harvest, a healer not in the light cannot wield healing. God chooses His healers for they are the ones assigned to carry the light.
– Khadijat Quadri

Her Simple Approach
My role in psychotherapy is simple. I work as a guide to help lead clients from 3rd dimensional consciousness to new levels of awareness. With the support of my guiding system and those of my clients’, I act as a conduit to bring the information and energies that are needed at that point in time for the client’s highest good.
The source of all illness is hidden in the subconscious mind which stores all manner of distortions about the self. As a professional counselor, intuitive, and hypnotherapist, I have a variety of tools and resources at my disposal to move clients into self-realization.
The issues that drive manifestations of human behavior have remained out of the reach of scientists and theorists because such phenomena are beyond the physical senses. Only those who know how to utilize the other senses of the human being can perceive the realities beyond the five primary senses. Therefore, the modern scientists and doctors are working “blind,” a fact that many of them readily admit. This is because they lack understanding regarding the most important aspect of psychology: Consciousness. Where does it come from? What is its function? How can one cultivate and develop it? Why does sickness come about to some and not others in its most illogical forms? Why do people experience bad luck? How can one be healed through it? These are some of the most important questions that come into the minds of people however fleeting. Many try to avoid it by burying their minds in egoism, fear, and preoccupations with drugs, sex, alcohol, unhealthy relationships, work and more.
I work with clients to uncover their truth. Ultimately, the consciousness which is at the level of perception was introduced into the split mind in its perceived separation from the higher mind. Consciousness is a domain of the ego and it attempts to define the self as one wishes to be and not what one is in truth.
A split mind is a confused mind and chaos ensues the life of such a mind. The process of psychotherapy involves moving the mind from wrong-mindedness to right-mindedness, then to the knowing mind which leads to truth and knowledge.
I work with the divine intelligence within the client. The Buddha nature, the Innermost, the Lord God of Truth Within. This is the factor upon which all of the unsolved equations of “modern” psychology rests.
Unlike our modern western practices, holistic psychotherapy can empower clients dramatically, divine their illnesses’ ultimate causes while in an expanded state of awareness, neutralize them at their spiritual and energetic levels, and prevent their re-occurrence.
Educational Background
University of Lagos, Nigeria – Bachelor of Science Finance
Saint Mary’s University, San Antonio Texas – Master of Art, Mental Health Counseling
Saint Mary’s University, San Antonio Texas – Master of Art, International Development and Conflict Resolution
Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts – Mastery – Global Mental Health Trauma and Recovery
University of the Incarnate Word – PHD International Education – Incomplete
Licenses & Certifications
Certified Practitioner: Bio-Energetic and Epigenetic Balancing Treatment
Certified Practitioner: BioFeedback and Quantum Healing Method
Advanced Bio-well Practitioner
Licensed Professional Counselor – #67102 – State of Texas
National Board-Certified Counselor – # 240884
Certified Practitioner: Advanced Integrative Therapy – Southeast Institute Chapel Hill North Carolina
National Board-Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – Certified by National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Inc. Certificate #3735
Certified Hypnotherapist – Certified by International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. Certificate #1115-02247. www.imdha.com
Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor – Intern – Licensed by Texas State Department of State Health Services. License #31067.
Reiki Master Teacher – Certified by USUI SHIKI RYOHO – Certification in Reiki Method of Natural Healing
Professional Therapeutic Sound Healer – The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies
Her Personal Studies, Theoretical Orientations, References & Approaches
In The Light Of Truth – Grail Message (Volume 1-3)
Dharma Teachings, The Heart of Compassion and Dzogchen Meditation Training: Lama Surya Das
A Garland of VIEWS – Padmasambhava’s Classic Text
Enlightened Vagabond, The Life and Teachings of Patrul Rinpoche
The Life of Milarepa
Being Nobody, Going Nowhere – Ayya Khema
What Makes you Not a Buddhist – Dzongsa Jamyang Khyese
A Course in Miracles: Text, Workbook, Manual for Teachers and Supplement (Scribe Dr. Helen Schucman)
A Course of Love: (Scribe Mari Perron)
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: By Padma Sambhava, The Dalai Lama (Foreword)
The Tibetan Book of Living and dying: By Sogyal Rinpoche
Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA by Richard Rudd
Fulan Dafa by Li Hongzhi
The Way of Zen: By Alan Watts
Lifeforce, the Scientific Basis by Claude Swanson PhD
The Synchronized Universe-New Science of the Paranormal by Claude Swanson PHD
Personality Assessment Inventory (PAR)
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria American Psychiatric Association
Tibetan Sound Healing by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
The True Source of Healing by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Jungian Dream Interpretation by James Hall M.D.
Zen and the Psychology of Transformation – The Supreme Doctrine by Hubert Benoit
Why Zebras Don’t Have Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky
Hypnosis, Inductions by George Gafner and Sonja Benson
Journey of Souls: By Michael Newton
Destiny of Souls, Memories in the Afterlife: By Michael Newton
Many Lives, Many Masters: By Brian Weiss
The Disappearance of the Universe: By Gary Renard
Journeys Out of the Body, Ultimate Journeys, Far Journeys: By Robert Monroe
One Mind: By Larry Dossey
The Four Agreements: By Don Miguel Ruiz
Conversations with GOD Three-Part Series: By Neale Walsch
The Book of Knowing and Worth, The Book of Mastery, The Book of Love and Creation, I Am the Word: By Paul Selig
The Diamond Sutra Sung: By Sharon Kumuda Janis
Buddhism for Beginners: By Jack Kornfield
Shamanic Visioning: By Sadra Ingerman
Instant Healing: By Serge Kahili King
The Soul Retrieval Journey: By Sandra Ingerman
The Works of Edgar Cayce
Practical Wisdom: By Dan Millman
The Four Purposes of Life: By Dan Millman
Adventures in the Afterlife: By William Buhlman
How to Know GOD: By Deepak Chopra
Stillness Speaks: By Eckhart Tolle
The Art of Communicating: By Thich Nhat Hanh
Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through: By Thich Nhat Hanh
I Hate You- Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality Disorder: By Hal Straus, Jerold J. Krisman
Magical Mind, Magical Body: By Deepak Chopra
Meditation in Action: By Samuel Bercholz
And More………..
Her Daily Practices
There is so much information about life on earth, our origins, mental and emotional make up, religious and spiritual philosophies and many are quite contradictory. I endeavor to keep an open mind when I traverse my studies with full guidance from my intuition. By using discernment, I separate the wheat from the chaff!
I contemplate the Dharma daily and maintain a practice of 108 prostrations along with daily meditations. I often share the benefits of mind fitness in therapy. With time, the mind can maintain consistent peace irrespective of self-imposed, or collective thought forms, human and/or entity psychic attacks.
As human spirits, we take on multiple incarnations for the purpose of gaining spiritual consciousness. A careful observation and examination of our relationships (whether it be with the self, other humans, relatives, inanimate objects of various forms, roles we play, identities or events) are necessary as they can severely hinder spiritual and mental development.
I maintain studies and contemplation in the message of the Holy Grail. Only through deep intuitive sensing can anything become conviction which alone brings value to the human spirit.
Within my psychological/spiritual practice, I came to realize that the world is a form of intermediate reality (there are many intermediate realities). This reality we call earth/human experience has been referred to as the Bardos in Tibetan Buddhism, hell in Christian scriptures and in Hindu religion, it is called samsara. A dedicated spiritual practice is necessary to alleviate suffering. We must also practice non-attachment and prepare to let all things of this world go and that includes fear (Note my reference to practice. Everybody knows but very few actually practice). Upon death, we will be faced with many paths. Many have become lost from choosing the wrong path after death. While in a body, we must practice recognizing the pristine awareness so that you can remember to call for the light that liberates us from all dimensions of the intermediate state.
I have had three death and resurrection experiences of which I returned to the void and she dismantled my soul and reconstituted my energy back into my body. I believe that this is the only way one can become a true conduit for healing.
I chant daily and encourage my clients to do the same. Our personal power, chakras and photonic energy is developed via the voice.
I cannot over emphasize the importance of holding sacred space and the need for consistent purification of the body, mind, energy and emotion and cleansing of the space I hold for healing.
If you do not know who you are, you will be at the whims of others and controlling forces. A true spiritual warrior understands the need to affirm who they are and maintain their boundaries. This is not a job for the faint hearted. If you do not know what you stand for, you will be used for anything.
I maintain frequent studies of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

True Stories of Transformation
Here are some of our client testimonials:
I consulted Ms. Khadijat Quadri from Kuadra Counseling Service regarding my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I did NOT want to take strong medications. Ms. Quadri is an excellent Holistic Counselor, who integrates mind, body, soul and spiritual therapy. My PTSD improved dramatically, I am calmer, positive and not hypervigilant all the time. Furthermore, I have suffered from genetic chronic illnesses (psoriasis), psoriatic arthritis for many years. There is no cure in traditional medicine for these illnesses. I was also battling a serious leg and feet [antibiotic resistant [ infection. I was open to try the IMAET VIRTUOSO WHICH EXPLORES THE USE OF QUANTUM MECHANICS. It was a NON-INVASIVE HOLISTIC TOOL WHICH SUPPORTS OVERALL HEALTH. IT WAS PERFORMED REMOTLY ONLINE, JUST BY PROVIDING SIMPLE DEMOGRAPHICS. I WAS HAPPILY SURPRICED! MY INFECTION CLEARED IN A FEW DAYS AND MY CHRONIC GENETIC ILLNESSES ARE IMPROVING. I PROUDLY GIVE MY RECOMMENDATION TO KUADRA COUNSELING SERVICE. THANK YOU, MS. QUADRI, FOR ALL YOUR HELP.
I started seeing Khadijat Quadri in December of last year. Being raised by two Hispanic parents with their own personal and very sensitive trauma, it was hard for me to comprehend my own childhood trauma that has since caused a lot of my current adult anxiety and outbursts of anger. When I had my first session with her, she was very straightforward, but in a more spiritual and knowledgeable way. It allowed me to see and feel a different, more beautiful and natural perspective on life. It was instantly soothing for my mental health. I can genuinely say that I always looked forward to my next session, it was an experience I wish everyone could go through. She always reminded me of how healing was a fluid process, there would be ups and downs, and that it was normal. As long as I was aware that my healing was always there for me to go back to as a point of reference, as a solid foundation to keep my perspective grounded. I had to take a break from my sessions because life got busy for me, but I can say I continued the practices that she had helped guide me through which were really beneficial. I am eager to go back and continue to progress on my mental health journey and take it one session at a time.
Khadijat is a phenomenal professional, counselor, teacher, and mentor. For the last 2 years, I have suffered through a multitude of illnesses, from depression to Lyme disease, with her help, I have surpassed every obstacle that has been thrown at me. She has not only counseled me, but has provided a number of her expertise healings that have helped influence my thoughts, as well as healing to my body due chronic pain, confusion, anxiety, emotional distress etc. She loves what she does, and it’s shows through her work! Her heart is in this profession for all the right reasons, to help and to give to others, without judgment. Her holistic approach to my medical conditions helped me go from a wheelchair, to being able to walk again. It truly takes a village of people like her to help in rare conditions as mine! I’m truly thankful for her expertise and devotion in my journey. The environment is peaceful, relaxing, calming and very welcoming to all. I definitely recommend!
I have attended counseling most of my adult life, over 15 years. Constantly changing counselors because I didn't feel as if I was healing or progressing. I began seeing Khadijat Quadri in September 2021, within that first month I had already felt as if I had made more progress with her than all the counseling I had been to throughout my life. Khadijat Quadri is a phenomenal holistic counselor; I love her straight forward approach. She is a very knowledgeable spiritual counselor and I enjoy our sessions together. With her guidance and help I have been able to learn the coping skills I need in order to cope with my anxiety and bipolar, so I do not need to rely on medication all my life. Khadijat Quadri focuses on the root of your issues and not just what's on the surface. Would definitely recommend her to anyone looking for a holistic/ spiritual counselor.
"Trauma creates change you don't choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose." -Michele Rosenthal Khadijat Quadri is my foundation in my pathway from trauma to healing. It is painful to accept a change in life. She has listened to me pouring out, but then has given me the direction with peace, understanding, and growth not only in my body, but in my soul. Trauma is different for each person. But for any trauma, I highly suggest Khadijat Quadri to help guide and support you in your healing process. And healing takes time, one step at a time. I have trusted her authentic patience, yet she also provides unique amazing support for ALL levels in your emotional, physical, and spiritual life. You will become stronger in all areas of your holistic life with Khadijat!
I had been seeing Psychologists & Psychiatrists for all of my adult life but never found someone who cared about my overall wellbeing quite like Khadijat Quadri. She isn't going to waste your time, money, or sessions by telling you what you want to hear. She is honest, speaks her thoughts, & supports them with reasoning. She provides wonderful and thorough feedback, resources such as book titles to look into (especially if you ask for them), and guidance in your overall life. My experiences have been absolutely positive. The first session was rough, but I kept coming back. If you do the work and keep coming back, you will see progress! Her education and credentials are valid, and it shows with her ability to assess and guide clients through situations that may seem overwhelming. Aside from the logical & professional side of things, she is very spiritual and provides a holistic approach to therapy which has been so helpful and refreshing. It's something I have not experienced before. My physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing have never felt this great. I have not felt this in control of my life in a very long time. As someone with several mental health disorders such as PTSD, Bipolar 2, and BPD, I thought I couldn't be helped but she is proving that I can be helped and I can live a happy, fulfilling life.